Monday, July 19

Breathe more, my darling. The air is fresh and there´s lots of it.

Balcony in the morning

My host-family haves friends everywhere around the Europe. When they asked me if I wanted to go to Northern Italy, "Südtirol", to see their familyfriends, for a little village St. Martin, just between the Alps, I couldn´t say anything else than "yes".

The mother of the family of living here moved away because she wanted to experience the world - and she studied in Salzburg and moved to Istanbul for a work - just like the mother of my host-family - and came back here were she was born. After seeing this pure, original thing, I truely understand why she wanted to come back.

 nevermind where I go, I will always have the countrygirls heart

We arrived there lately in Friday night and weren´t doing anything special at Saturday. Just going to the pool (It´s fine when you can see the mountains everywhere) and playing with the kids, little walking around and going for a original Italian pizzeria. But I wouldn´t even wanted to do anything else than breathe fresh air and keep on wondering.

At Sunday we went for a bunch up to the hill and enjoyed the wiew.


...and made a little walk.


Do you know the feeling you get when you have seen the real thing? 

Mountains were so high and big and... everything. I felt myself like a little girl with too big thoughts. 

I want will go there again.


  1. Sori kommentoin nyt kaikki postaukset pilalle, mutta kun on nää on niin hyviä! Ja näin hätänen luonne kommentoi jo yhtä ennen ku ehtii muut lukemaan... =)

    Mutta siis, kertakaikkiaan WAU! Tuli kyllä kyynel silmäkulmaan noita häkellyttäviä kuvia katsellessa (ja teksitä lukiessa; nevermind where I go, I will always have the countrygirls heart). Tuo on juuri jotain sellaista jota haluan, jopa niiden vuohien kanssa. Saanko linkittää tähän?

  2. Hei mun pitäis laittaa itelleni varmaan kommentit tulee sähköpostiin kun en ikinä huomaa näitä ajoissa mut SAA LINKITTÄÄ. :)
